Thursday, March 24, 2011

Awkward & Awesome

-The feeling of a eyelash stuck in your eye.
-Watching a movie with your parents that has a lot of sexual content...
-The fact that dogs sniff each others butts when they first meet. if only humans did that...
-The feeling of wet grass on your bare feet.
-When you're sitting in class and you have a déjà vu. And then you think to your self, "Why in the hell did I dream about this!?"
-When you wake up in the middle of the night and your hand is asleep.
-Going to the bathroom and your cats nudging their way in and then sitting there and staring  at you while you do your biz. Umm, hey cats, I don't watch you squat over your litter box - get outttt!

-Getting packages in the mail.
-Swing sets.
-Finding money in a pair of jeans or coat you haven't worn in a while.
-Star gazing.
-Shopping at Antique/Thrift stores.
For more Awkward & Awesome check out Sydney's - The Daybook

1 comment:

Popcorn, Pugs & Peonies said...

Getting packages in the mail and finding money in pockets are two of the most awesome things ever!

And I have three dogs who get really offended when I close the door when I am in the....powder room. It is almost easier to just let them stare than to hear the incessant scratching and whining at the door:)