Friday, March 25, 2011

Five Things I Love

[Smile For The Camera Necklace $6.80 at Forever 21]

[This Nikon D300s is on my Camera Wish List]
[My favorite spring scent! Daisy Eau So Fresh by Marc Jacobs]

[Apt. 9 Julienne Dress Sandles $36.99 at Kohls]
[This photo via]


Popcorn, Pugs & Peonies said...

I have a necklace that is almost identical that I bought fron Etsy (for much more money). I love it.

And those shoes are a perfect knock off of these... (which I have been admirining at BR for a while, but don't have any place to wear). Nice find!

And I adore that picture.

Gabrielle said...

Thanks! I seen the shoes on the Kohls commercial and fell in love ♥