Saturday, March 26, 2011

Weekly Gratitude

[I received my Buddy Wayfarer glasses today in the mail!]

This week I'm grateful for:

- All of my amazing blogger friends for helping me understand new things!
- My I-Pod...I love listening to it when I clean.
- My Even though on most days it won't do what I want it to, it's still very pretty and I get compliments on it all the time. : )
- Grey's Anatomy not being a repeat! But I'm sad to say that I got so used to not watching it that I totally forgot that it was on and had to watch it on hulu.
- My slippers for keeping my feet warm on these very cold nights here in Michigan.


Alivia said...

Love this list! And your glasses look great! (I have the same ones, with prescription) :)

Gabrielle said...

JEALOUS! I need to get some prescription ones...although I'm debating whether I should get contacts...