Thursday, May 12, 2011

Awkward & Awesome

- I posed all of this yesterday but blogger is having issues and ate it :(
- I have three spider bites on my upper thigh. I think he was trying to get to my butt...
- Monday my GPS wanted me to turn on a road that didn't exist. After 'missing' the road it proceeded to tell me to "make a legal u-turn when possible". Let me inform you that it was dark and I had no idea where I was. Great!
- Thursday in my photography class we had an hour to go around campus and take pictures of textures (like the photo above). At first it was awkward going around and taking pictures of things like grass but then I got the hang of what exactly I was looking for and it started getting interesting.

- I get my refund on the 23rd which means I can finally go out and buy a SLR camera! I have this old Kodak digital one so I think it's time for an upgrade.
- My photography classes!
- I've already made a new friend in one of them : ) I have like no friends down here so it's kind of a big deal.
- I've finally figured out a schedule for working out. I haven't been able to go in forever because of all the craziness that has been going on lately. I'm excited to jump start my weight loss though!

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